It all started with a slice.

About Us

Our Story


Triple C Pizzeria was born out of a love and passion for one of mankind’s greatest creations — PIZZA! We have not only made a commitment to making every pizza in itself an amazing experience for all of our customers, but ensuring that every bite is filled with love (and cheese!)
Triple C Pizzeria is the culmination of a family’s love for fun, pizza and memorable moments. Father and sons Carmelo, Chris and Cj are the masterminds behind Triple C Pizzeria, infusing their own spin to every pizza flavor, from pizzas inspired by their homeland, the Philippines, to pizzas that showcase each of their unique personalities.

– Chris Pagdato

More than just a pizza place


Triple C Pizzeria not only promises to offer a familiar warmth that you get when you are surrounded by the people that you love, but aims to welcome new friends within the community through our lovingly crafted, luscious pizzas. Triple C Pizzeria is creating its mark with some of Winnipeg’s best and greatest treasures working within the Triple C pizzeria team: a community of passionate, creative individuals that turn every pizza into a full-fledged experience. Whether you make it meaty, make it cheesy, or make it healthy with veggies, each combination is masterfully conceptualized, guaranteeing that each bite is a burst of flavor and love. Triple C Pizzeria is more than just a pizza place. It’s a family place.
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